Продам: фирменные CD rock heavy-metal в Москве
Адрес: Алтуфьево метро
11 января 2022 г. в 07:46 объявление № Т-27323726

Фирменные CD компакт-диски рок-групп heavy, thrash, progressive. Есть очень редкие. Состояние отличное. Самовывоз из Москвы. Информация и полный список CD по почте или телефону. - Accept Balls to the wall, Altura Mercy, Alyson Hell, Andeavor Once upon time, Antares, Anthrax Spreading The Disease, Antithesis Dying for Life, Apocrypha The forgotten scroll, Archetype Dawning, Ballistic, Black Abyss Land of Darkness, Black Fate Uncover, Blackend The last thing undone, Blaze Silicon Messiah, Blessed Death Kill or be killed, Breaker Get Tough, Burning Point Salvation By Fire, Cage Astrology, Cain's Alibi Sanctified, Catch 22 Awaken, Celtic Frost Morbid Tales/Emperor's Return, Chroming Rose Louis XIV, Crimson Glory Transcendence, Cruella Vengeance Is Mine Crystal Eyes World Of Black and Silver, Custard Kingdoms of your life, Dead End Ghost of romance, Defyance Amaranthine, Time Lost, Demons & Wizards, Destination Zero Suiciety, Destructor Maximum Destruction, Distant Thunder Welcome to the end, Divine Regale Ocean Mind, Division Trinity, Dr. Mastermind, Eidolon Nightmare World, Engine, Eternity X Zodiac, Event Electric Skies, Excelsis Kurt of Koppigen, Exciter Violence And Force, Exhibition Sign Of Tomorrow, Exodus Bonded by Blood, Exodus Pleasures of the flash, Expect No Mercy Steelbreed, Eyefear 9 elements of inner vision, Fatal Opera The Eleventh Hour, Flotsam & Jetsam Doomsday for deceiver, Foreseen Prophet's Dream, Freternia Warchants & Fairytales, Hammerfall Glory to the brave, Legacy of kings, Headline Escape, Voices of Presence, Headstone Epitaph Powergames, Wings of Eternity, Heir Apparent Triad, Hellhammer Apocalyptic Raids, Hellhound Ice Age, Helloise Cosmogony + "Polarity, House Of Spirits Turn of the tide, Human Fortress Lord of earth and heavens heir, Hydrotoxin Oceans, Iced Earth Burnt Offerings, Iced Earth, Horror Show, Something wicked, The Glorious Burden, Imagika And So It Burns, Inner Sanctum 12 a.m., Ion Vein Beyond Tomorrow, Iron Cross, Iron Fortress, Ivory Tower Beyond The Stars, Jacobs Dream Theater of war, Kamelot Dominion, Eternity, Karma, Siege Perilous, The Fourth Legacy, Katagory V A new breed of rebellion, Present Day, Kiler Ready For Hell, Shock waves, Wall of sound, King Kobra Ready To Strike, Thrill of a lifetime, K-Octave Outer Limits, Kreator Endless pain, Pleasure to kill + Flag of hate, Terrible Certainty, Kreyson Angel on the run, Lemur Voice Insights, Lethal Poison Seed, Lizzy Borden Love You to pieces, Loudness Disillusion, Malice, Manilla Road, Manticora, Maraya, Mayadome, Megora, Mystic Force The Eternal quest, Nevermore, Noisehunter Time to fight, Obsession Methods of madness Scarred for life, Omen Battle Cry The Curse/Nightmares, Warning of danger, Organization Savor the flavor, Ostrogoth, Overkill, Paradox, Paralysis, Pathos, Phenomena, Power of Omens, Powers Court, Powersurge, Prototype, Psycho Drama, Psychotic Waltz, Racer X, Radakka, Ravage, Reading Zero, Regime, Rellik, Riot, Ruffians, Sacred Oath, Sacred Rite, Sanctuary, Sanvoisen, Scanner, Serum, Seven Witches, Shadows of stee, Siam, Simple Aggression, Sinner, Sorcery, Speed, Spirit Web, Steel Prophet, Stormtrooper, Symmetry, Syris, TTQuick, Talamasca, Testament, Thundersteel, Torch, Torment, Transcendence, Twelth Gate, Twilight, Twisted Tower Dire, Tyrant, Tyrant Reign, Valley's Eve, Vandamne, Vigilante, Villain, Viper, Visionary, Voice, Vortex, Warhead, Warlord, Warning, Weapon X, White Lion, Wicked Maraya, Zandelle, Zero Nine, z-lot-z и другие. Есть также копии редких дисков и винила по 100-150 р.
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